An important element of safeguarding in junior football is behaviour and conduct, and MMFC fully supports the principles set out in the FA’s Respect programme, which emphasise that positivity always wins. 90% of young players play better with positive encouragement, so the campaign focuses on keeping things positive, embracing difference and showing only respect, support and positivity.
We have adopted the FA Respect campaign’s separate codes of conduct for players, coaches and spectators, emphasising the importance of enjoyment, fair play and respect for teammates, the opposition and officials alike. All our players, parents/carers and officials are asked to review these codes to ensure they are familiar with them.
We are extremely proud that our club coaches, players and spectators model the best possible behaviour at training and during games, and that the club has built up a good reputation with the various local junior leagues and county FA over the years: not all clubs can say the same.
Thank you for your continued support in upholding these codes of conduct.